A Marilyn Monroe Tribute

Marilyn Monroe

Saturday, August 5th, 2023 was the sixty-first anniversary of Marilyn Monroe’s death, and fans from all over the globe came together at Westwood Memorial Park to remember her legend.

Why is Marilyn Monroe, a film star with a career that spanned less than 20 years, ending with her death in 1962, still resonant with so many people? That’s the magic of Marilyn, and I don’t know that there is one answer to that question, but I do want to share with you three things I find special about this legendary film star.

1. Marilyn is often a fan’s gateway drug into classic Hollywood. I know she was for me. Upon hearing that I had never seen a Marilyn Monroe film, a friend lent me her box set and I sat riveted to the TV as I simultaneously discovered Marilyn and the incredible world of classic movies. I was immediately hungry for more of both, and I hear the same story over and over from others who discovered classic movies through their love of Marilyn.

2. Marilyn was the embodiment of the rags to riches story, and people love a good Cinderella tale. She survived a difficult childhood and overcame the overwhelming odds against her to become a famous movie star - a fame that has lasted sixty-odd years after her tragic death.

3. Marilyn continues to inspire people all over the world. She makes us laugh in her comedies like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire, and touches our hearts in dramas like her final film The Misfits. She was raw and honest with her fans about her private life, going against the studio’s advice and being truthful with the world about her nude photo scandal, humbling herself to attend acting classes at a time when she had already attained stardom, and fighting for better roles as well as fighting for her ultimate longing to be a wife and mother. She wasn’t afraid to be real about her highs and lows in life, and almost everyone can find something in her story to relate to.

What about Marilyn Monroe makes her special to you? Let me know in the comments!


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